FOI Request - Property Maintenance

Request 101003560593

Information relating to your property maintenance and servicing spend.

Please split each of the below questions into social housing and non-residential buildings. See below a table for data entry.

1. Please provide your spend on the following survey types and the number of properties to which this corresponds for the last full available year (if no spend is available, please detail whether you do not carry out these surveys or that they were performed in-house):
a. Fire risk assessments
b. Compartmentation surveys
c. Fire door surveys
d. Fire risk appraisal of external walls (FRAEW) and/or EWS1 form
e. EPC (energy performance certificate) assessment
f. DEC (display energy certificate) assessment
g. Stock condition surveys
h. Damp and mould surveys

2. For each of the survey types, please state the proportion that were outsourced.

3. For each of the survey types, please confirm how often the surveys are carried out. For example:
a. Complete stock yearly / two yearly / etc.
b. Sample stock (xx%) yearly / two yearly / etc.
c. Rolling basis (xx% p.a.)
d. Reactive / ad hoc basis

If contract information is available online, please would you be able to attach a copy / link to the information.

Response 27-05-2024

Please find the information requested here.

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