Forres Academy - New School Build

A report on the common good consultation was submitted to Moray Council on 21 January 2025. The common good consultation information can be accessed here.

A report on the site selection, including analysis of the survey responses, was reported at the meeting of Full Council on 22 May 2024.  The preferred site option is Applegrove/ Roysvale as per the minute of the meeting, with Lochyhill remaining as a possible alternative site.

An initial report was submitted to ECLS committee on 14 May with appendices detailing the full design team report and the outcome of both the online and paper survey.

Online survey results: Lochyhills 54.7% - Applegrove/Roysvale 45.3%

Paper survey results: Lochyhills 85.4% - Applegrove Roysvale 14.6%




Project Funding


Site Options












Green Space


Common Good


Current Site

Update (28 March 2024)

Further to the ECLS meeting on 27 March it was agreed that the next step for the Forres Academy project is to engage with the community regarding the site selection for the new build.

There are two site options remaining following the committee meeting: Lochyhills and Applegrove/ Roysvale.

Whilst there are risks associated with developing either of these sites it was noted that only Applegrove/Roysvale Park is under ownership of the Council, Lochyhill would require the Council to formally acquire the land in question.

The main risk with developing the Applegrove/Roysvale site lies with the fact that a major part of the developable site is classed as ‘Common Good’, although the main school building is not planned on this site but rather the Council-owned land adjacent to Applegrove Primary School and currently used as grass playing fields by them.

The cost for developing the Lochyhill site is up to £4m more than the Applegrove/ Roysvale site.

An overall location plan and plans of the two proposed layouts are provided below:




An options appraisal of the two sites has been undertaken. The criteria and scoring are shown below.


September 2023

With the Scottish Governments approval of the LEIP 3 funding bid for Forres Academy, Moray Council have engaged Hub North Scotland and a Design Team to start work on designs for a new Forres Academy.

Three sites have been shortlisted as suitable locations for the new Forres Academy and these are presented in our ‘Place Based Review’ which assesses each option against the project’s Strategy & SMART objectives.

You can view the potential site options here.

While informal public consultation to gauge an intial response to the three site options has already occurred future formal consultation will occur and allow the opportunity for community to feed into the design and options for the new school, this will be communicated in the new year.

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IV30 1BX

01343 563374

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