FOI Request - Staffing Spend

Request 101003337134

I would be grateful if you could please provide the following for each of the last three financial years, 2020/21-2022/23:

(i)    Total spend on staffing
(ii)   Total spend on agency staff
(iii)   Initial budget for spend on agency staff
(iv)   Annual percentage turnover rate
(v)    Annual percentage sickness absence rate

If possible, the above 5 requests also broken down by department across your local authority

Response 11-07-2023

(i) to (iii)

  2022/23 2021/22 2020/21
  £m £m £m
Total spend on staffing * 179.287 162.882 149.893
Total spend on agency staff  1.026 0.642 0.486
Initial budget for agency staff 0.230 0.241 0.200

     *  Includes pension contributions and National Insurance. Excludes Training, Staff Development & staff advertising
 (iv) and (v)

The information requested can be found here.

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