FOI Request - Self ID Transgender Information

Request 101003303272


1.  In your local authorities schools do you allow a child who identifies as a different gender to their sex to:

a.  Use toilets defined according to their new gender, rather than their biological sex.
b.  Use changing rooms according to their new gender, rather than their biological sex.
c.  Take part in sporting activities according to their new gender, rather than their biological sex.

2.  In your local authorities schools do they require other children to refer to children who have socially transitioned by their new name and preferred pronouns.

SELF ID Conversations with Parents

3.  In your local authorities do schools inform parents or guardians as soon as a child expresses that he or she might be a different gender to their sex, or expresses a wish to change gender?

4.  In your local authorities schools, is there self-ID policy in operation for gender identity; in other words, whether they consider the gender of a child to be the gender that that child declares it to be.

5.  In your local authorities schools, who, if anyone, do schools (or teachers) consult before allowing a child to socially transition (i.e. identify as a different gender to their sex).

SELF ID External Organisations

6.  In your local authority is the following part of the school curriculum:

a.  That people have a gender identity that may be different from their biological sex.
b.  That some people or children may be ‘born in the wrong body’.
c.  That a person who self-identifies as a man or a woman should be treated as a man or woman in all circumstances, even if this does not match their biological sex.

7.  In your local authority have any school in the last 24 months worked with an external provider (charity or commercial organisation) to provide lessons or resources on gender identity. If so, which organisations?

Response 25-05-2023

The information requested can be found here.

Please note that all other school not listed in the document sent back a NIL response as they do not have trans pupils recorded. 

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