FOI Request - Deductions from DWP Benefits
Request 101003257853
Following my previous request for information I would like to submit a further, related request.
1. Please send me a breakdown of the number of people who have had their benefits, or legacy benefits deducted by the DWP as a result of council tax arrears, broken down by financial year for the last 5 years.
I would also like to clarify in relation to my previous request that I am requesting the amount of money received from the DWP from all benefits, and not just Universal credit, as I understand that local authorities do not hold breakdowns of which benefits have been deducted.
Response 16-03-2023
1. The response to this request was provided in relation to a previous request, FOI Request - Deductions from DWP Benefits - 101003257853.
This information is therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible.