Admissions Procedure for Secondary
Find out everything you need to know about your child starting a secondary school in Moray.
Register to a Moray School
If your child is not already registered at a Moray School, you will be required to complete our School Registration Form. Further information is available in the Admission to Schools in Moray-Policy and Procedures document.
Transition Between Primary and Secondary Schools in Moray
P7 children in Moray will automatically be allocated a place in the secondary school within their associated school group (ASG). If your child already attends a Moray Primary school and you wish to enrol your child in a secondary school outwith your catchment area, please complete the Placing Request form.
Placing request – You may wish to enrol your child in a secondary school outwith your catchment area, this is called a placing request. Find out more
Applying for a school place during the school year (moving to Moray)
If your child is already secondary school age and you are moving to or within Moray, you can complete the registration process online. You will be required to provide a copy of your child's birth certificate and your proof of address with all registration forms. NB. For uploads, individual files should not exceed 5mb. Accepted files: jpg, png, pdf, zip.
Transfer Between Moray Schools or Change of Address Within Moray
If your child is already registered and attending a Moray School, but you wish to move them to an alternative Moray school, please complete our Placing Request form. If your child currently attends a school in Moray and you change address and now reside out with the schools catchment, you must also complete our Placing Request form.
The registration form is available in other languages, including Polish, Chinese, Latvian and Punjabi. All translated forms can be found here.