FOI Request - Early Learning & Childcare Data
Request 101003207650
The FOI request is in three parts as follows:
1. The Council received an email from the Improvement Service in mid 2022 (most likely late May but may have been later) providing the results of the Ipsos Mori Cost Collection Exercise for Early Learning and Childcare. Please provide the text content of the email along with the two attachments to the email which are A) ELC Cost Collection Results in excel format and B) Technical report in PDF format.
2. Please provide the total number of statutory Early Learning and Childcare hours delivered by funded partner providers broken down by month for the following months. July 2021, October 2021, February 2022, May 2022.
3. Please provide the method and detail of calculation used by the Council in deriving the sustainable rate for Early Learning and Childcare funded partner providers for year August ‘22 to July ‘23
Response 31-01-2023
1. Please find attached the Cost Collection results and the Technical Report.
2. Funded hours delivered
July 2021 |
23,902 hrs |
October 2021 |
64,110 hrs |
February 2022 |
106,005 hrs |
May 2022 | 134,404 hrs |
3. Not held. The rate has not changed from August 2022 to July 2023, so we are unable to provide method and detail of calculation as none were made. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.