FOI Request - Bus Lane/Busgate/Parking Enforcement Fine Use
Request 101003021139
broken down by the calendar years of 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 so far:
1. How much money in total was generated by your local authority through the issuing of fixed penalty notices (fines) for people breaching bus lane, bus gate, and parking regulations (for clarity, by this I mean people going through bus gates or driving through bus lanes in non-permitted vehicles, or getting parking tickets) each year.
2. How many total individual fines were issued for breaching bus lane, bus gate, or parking regulations each year?
3. Is cash generated from local authority’s fixed penalty notices for the likes of bus gate/lane and parking offences ringfenced to be spent only on infrastructure projects?
4. Please provide me with a detailed description of the types of projects the money is ringfenced for, if the answer to question number three is “yes”.
5. Please provide me with a list of infrastructure projects your local authority has spent cash generated from fixed penalty notices from the likes of bus gate/lane and parking offences on, how much cash from the ringfenced cash went to each project, and when the cash was spent each year.
6. Please provide me with a list of infrastructure projects your local authority PLANS to spend cash generated from fixed penalty notices from the likes of bus gate/lane and parking offences on, and how much it plans to spend on each one.
Response 05-04-2022
Moray Council do not operate bus lanes.