Adult Protection Committee

What is the Moray Adult Protection Committee?

The Moray Adult Protection Committee (also known as the APC or Moray APC) is the group which meets to make sure that public services like social work, the NHS and the Police work together to support and protect adults who are at risk of harm.  There are groups like the Moray APC in every council area in Scotland.  The law requires us to have this group and we have guidance from the Scottish Government on what our role is and the things we are responsible for.

The role of the Moray APC is to make sure that we all work together to keep adults at risk of harm safe and get the support that they need.

The Chief Officers of Moray Council, NHS Grampian and North East Police are ultimately responsible for improving the outcomes and experience of adults who need protection.  The Moray APC is the group that takes forward this work.

The Committee

  • Constitution
    (list here)
  • Business Plan/Improvement Plan
    (list here)
  • National Guidance/links
    (list here)

Contact Us

Moray Community Care Access Team

01343 563999

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