FOI Request - Gov Notify

Request 101002588707

About your organisation
1. For how long has your organisation used Gov Notify service?
2. How many employees your organisation has?
3. How many employees use Gov Notify service?
4. How many emails your organisation sends monthly?
5. How many SMS messages your organisation sends monthly?
6. How many letters your organisation sends monthly?
7. How many services/ departments your organisation has (e.g. Finance, Housing, IT…)?

About messaging
Which services/ departments are using Gov Notify service?

8. How many emails this service/ department sends monthly?
o How many of these emails is sent using Gov Notify?

9. How many SMS messages this service/ department sends monthly?
o How many of these SMS messages is sent using Gov Notify?

10. How many letters this service/ department sends monthly?
o How many of these letters is sent using Gov Notify?

About other service providers
11. Do you use any other 3rd party service for your email messaging?
o Which?

12. Do you use any other 3rd party service for your SMS messaging?
o Which?

13. Do you use any other 3rd party service for your printed communications?
o Which?

Please provide your reply in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (for your convenience, I have attached a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to enter your replies).

Response 05-10-2020

Please find the requested information attached here

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