LR242 - Site 450m Northwest of Ar Dachaidh Roseisle Elgin

Erect dwellinghouse at site 450m Northwest of Ar Dachaidh, Roseisle, Elgin

The original application can be found here.   Enter the application number below and click "Search".

Application No: 20/00355/PPP


Date Type of Document Document Name
18/08/20 Notice Notice of Review and Grounds for Appeal
20/08/20 Letters Applicant: Acknowledgement
Development Management: Notification
Interested Parties: Notification
25/08/20 Documents Development Management: Documents
07/09/20 Letter Further Representation (1)
Further Representation (2)
07/09/20 Letter Applicant - Further Representations
20/10/20 Letters Applicant - Committee Notification
Interested Parties - Committee Notification
30/10/20 Letter Development Management - Procedural Notice
13/11/20 Letter Development Management - Response to Procedural Notice
Applicant - Notification of response to Procedural Notice
03/12/20 Email Applicant - Committee Notification
Interested Parties - Committee Notification
08/01/21 Notice MLRB Decision Notice

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