Presubmission Dicsussion for Larger Projects

We offer a pre-submission discussion service to allow you as a developer to discuss your work proposals and help you enter the building warrant process.

In general, the service is more appropriate for large-scale developments involving complex design and construction matters, and it is not anticipated that this option will be taken up for smaller-scale building work.


Developers are free to follow the usual process of submitting a building warrant, and these will go through the normal warrant process, however for larger-scale developments there may be benefits in having a pre-submission discussion.

This would mean that you and our Building Standards Officer could agree a way forward in terms of the functional Technical Standards, and also determine any additional information that may be required to process the warrant (such as fire engineering reports, site investigation reports and engineer’s details). Building Warrant applications that are submitted following agreed project pre-submission discussions with all supporting information in place will benefit from a greatly reduced processing time period.


The charge for the service can be found here as this is outwith the required statutory duty to process a warrant.

Arrange a meeting

Developers, architects or agents who wish to take advantage of this service should arrange a mutually suitable time and venue to discuss the application. The appointment will normally be with the Principal Building Standards Officer and the likely case officer to work through questions, concerns and queries in terms of any development.

To make an appointment contact us on 01343 563253.

Contact Us

Building Standards

0300 1234561

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