Building Standards Fees and Charges

Building Standards Charges for the Financial Year - 2024/25


Item Cost 2024/25
Building Warrant Fees Set by Scottish Government, see current table of fees

Letters of Comfort (LTC):

Confirmation of completion

Property Inspection of unauthorised works (for up to 2 site visits)

LTC visit 3, and each subsequent visit





Building Standards Pre application check £95.00
For major construction projects requiring Building Standards input to the design process £148.00 per hour
Section 50 (Licensing) Certificate £68.00

Copy Documents - Building Warrants & Certificate of Completion 

With Reference Number

Without Reference Number (Includes Search Retrieval fee)

Extra plans and documents (up to 10 pages)

Extra plans and documents (over 10 pages)

Cost of Documents

A4 Plans

A3 Plans

A2 Plans

A1 Plans

Microfiche and Digital Copies - any amount total cost







£0.40 + p&p

£0.60 + p&p

£11.60 + p&p

£13.50 + p&p


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