Development Management Fees and Charges

Development Management Charges for the Financial Years - 2024/25


Item Cost 2024/25
Planning Application Fees

Recoverable expenditure:

Neighbour Notification

Section 34 advertising and other advertising (e.g. to establish owner of property)

Property History Check





High Hedges £480.00
Section 50 (Licensing ) Certificate £68.00

Copy Decisions - Planning Decisions Notice (with Reference Number)

Copy Decisions - Planning Decisions Notice (without Reference Number)

Extra plans and documents (up to 10 documents)

Extra plans and documents (more than 10 documents)

Microfiche (added to above fees)

Cost of documents

A4 plans

A3 plans

A2 plans

A1 plans







£0.40 + p&p

£0.60 + p&p

£11.50 + p&p

£13.50 + p&p

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