A96 Dualling

Transport Scotland
The Scottish Government, through the Infrastructure Investment Plan, has put in place a commitment to dual the A96 between Inverness and Aberdeen by 2030. The scheme is being promoted by Transport Scotland as Trunk Road Authority.

Information on the overall project is available via the Transport Scotland website via the link below: 
A96 Dualling Inverness to Aberdeen | Transport Scotland

The Moray Council has long considered the promotion of the A96 corridor vital to the economic development of Moray, and in partnership with Regional Transport Partners HITRANS has been lobbying the Scottish Government for Improvements to the strategic road network. However as the overall scheme is being promoted by Transport Scotland all queries relating to the A96 dualling should  be directed to Transport Scotland. The relevant contact details can be found on Transport Scotland's Contact the team webpage.

The overall dualling has been split into four separate sections, two of which are located within Moray:

Inverness - Nairn section
Route outwith Moray boundary

Hardmuir - Fochabers section
The preferred option for the 46km Hardmuir to Fochabers section went on public display on 4th December 2018. A series of Public Exhibitions have been arranged by Transport Scotland, where locals and road users are invited to offer their comments. Details of the Public Exhibitions (dates/venues) are available here. Public Exhibition materials, including maps showing the preferred route can be found here.
The next stage (DMRB STAGE 3) will include the further assessment and development of the preferred option, including identifying the land required and preparation of an Environmental Statement. 

A further round of drop-in sessions were held during October 2019 to allow the public the opportunity to view and comment on design developments and changes to the preferred option. The ongoing design work along with public and stakeholder consultation have resulted in a number of refinements to the preferred option. These include changes to the alignment design and junction layouts in some areas.

The materials presented at the design update drop-in sessions can be viewed/downloaded here

East of Fochabers - East of Huntly section
The route options assessment for the 30km East of Fochabers to East of Huntly section is expected to commence in 2019

East of Huntly to Aberdeen section
Route outwith Moray boundary

Committee Reports

During the consideration of the various options for routes within Moray, the following reports have been submitted to The Moray Council/ Economic Development & Infrastructure Services Committees:

The Moray Council dated 27th September 2017 - Agenda Minutes

Economic Development & Infrastructure Services Committee dated 2nd June 2015 - Agenda Minutes

Economic Development & Infrastructure Services Committee dated 3rd September 2013: Presentation by Transport Scotland  - Minutes  

Economic Development & Infrastructure Services Committee dated 24th January 2012 - Agenda Minutes

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