Postal Voting Pack Guidance

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to complete your postal voting pack.

1. Do not open the postal vote envelope unless it is addressed to you. Remember, it is an offence to use a ballot paper addressed to another person.



2. Contained in your pack will be:

• A ballot paper
• A postal voting statement attached to a ballot paper envelope (A)
• A white return envelope (B)
• An instruction leaflet


3. Read the instruction leaflet carefully. Check that the ballot paper number on your postal voting statement matches the number on the back of the ballot paper and that your name is printed on the postal voting statement. 
Complete your postal voting statement by signing and adding your date of birth in the boxes provided. 
Please take care and ensure your postal voting statement is completed properly.
If you have a signature waiver there will be no signature box. A power of attorney cannot sign a postal vote.




4. Mark your ballot paper following the instructions on the ballot paper. Depending on the voting system in use this might be one X or by using numbers.
For the Local Government (Council) elections, vote using numbers. You will be asked to number the candidates on your ballot paper in order of choice, using 1, 2, 3 and so on. You can make as many or few choices as you wish, you don't have to number every candidate.


5. Fold and place the ballot paper into envelope A, leaving the postal voting statement attached.  Moisten the yellow gummed strip, fold down to secure.





6. Now place envelope A, containing your completed ballot paper and the attached postal vote statement, into the white envelope B.




7. The return address of the Returning Officer must show through the bottom window of the envelope. If you can see your own address you need to turn the contents around or it will be delivered back to you.  Seal the envelope.


8. Your postal vote is now ready to return to;

Freepost Plus RLTE-XSAE-ASYG
The Returning Officer
The Moray Council
Council Offices
High Street


9. You can post your completed postal vote back to us … no stamp is required.





10. …. OR

You can hand your postal vote in at the Moray Council, Reception Point in Elgin.



11. … OR

You can hand your postal vote in at a Moray polling station on polling day.




For your vote to count we must receive your completed postal vote back no later than 10pm on polling day.

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