Element 4 - Business Classification Scheme

For evidence please refer to the appendices below.

Element 4. Moray Council Business Classification Scheme

A business classification scheme is a hierarchical representation of the business activity performed by the Council. It maps the functions of the Council to determine what classes of records are being created. This process allows the Council to make good retention and disposal decisions and also ensures appropriate security and access permissions are granted.  It also ensures compliance with the legal requirements to safeguard personal, sensitive and confidential information.

Identifying records and business information by functions and activities, rather than by their provenance or subject matter, is a more stable method of classification. While the structure of an organisation may change many times, the functions an organisation carries out usually remain much the same over time.

Level 1/Function – This is starting point for users to commence navigation at document centre to find their documents.

Level 2/Activity – This is the 2nd level of navigation and is at library level.

Level 3/Transactions – This 3rd level of navigation is further filtering whereby users can now view their working processes and documents.

Moray Council classification scheme is based on esd toolkits http://about.esd.org.uk/toolkit,  including the Local Government classification scheme, tailored to the needs of the Council. The classification scheme is being used in the development and implementation of the corporate EDRMS – SharePoint 2010.  It is currently under development and review.

Appendix 6 - EDRMS Information Architecture, 2013 – ongoing. Extract 
Appendix 7 - Naming Conventions and version control, 2012 (PDF)

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