Keith War Memorial

The Memorial is situated in the centre of town at junction of Church Road and Land Street.  The memorial consists of three memorials within the Keith Memorial Gardens.

The centre piece is a memorial to the Gordon Highlanders.  It stands to the rear of the gardens on a two stepped plinth enclosed on three sides by a low wall. The square plan sand stone base is stepped slightly at its base and top. The front face bears a carved wreath and the dedication. The sides have bronze plaques listing the regiment's battle honours. On top of the plinth is a bronze statue of a Gordon Highlander in kilt and bonnet, with rifle at the ready. The Battalion depot was in Keith.

At the front of the gardens is a sarcophagus style cenotaph with flanking wing walls on a 3 stepped base. Two plaques either side of a carved wreath on the front of the 'tomb' commemorate those lost in WWI, plaques and carved text on the inside of the side walls those of WWII.

Located between these two memorials is a memorial to those who died outwith the two world wars in the form of a black granite stone of remembrance.

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