Budget Consultation - Property and Regulation Services

Budget Consultation for Property and Regulation Services
Service DescriptionGross Expenditure £000sGross Income £000sNet

Planning & Development -
Home Improvement grants, Care and Repair service, advice and assistance to private home owners.
Housing Management - Management of unauthorised Gypsy/Traveller encampments 27(11)16
Homelessness/Allocations -Homelessness assessments, provision of temporary/permanent accommodation and  advice and information.2,878(900)1,978
Building Services - Maintenance of council housing (charged to housing and paid for from house rental income.)7,503(7,800)(297)
Property Services - Maintenance of other council properties (a large part of this cost is charged to the council's capital plan).  Industrial Estates.4,176(2,956)1,220
Development Plans and Economic Development - Development Plans, planning guidance, economic strategy, economic development grants, European funding, Business Gateway2,026(509)1,517
Development Management - Assessment of Planning Applications; enforcement of planning legislation.707(669)38
Environmental Health - Inspection, regulation, advice on Food Safety, Contaminated Land, Animal Services, Health and Safety, Air quality, Public Health and Licensing1,658(281)1,377
Trading Standards - Consumer Advice;  money and debt advice; advice on welfare benefits.  Inspection and regulation to ensure Fair Trading.636(10)626
Building Standards - Processing and enforcing Building Warrant applications.563(757)(194)
Development Services Management & Support - Environmental Services management & administrative support.772(2)770

Schools and Leisure | Social Work | Roads and Refuse | Community Care | Central Support | Other

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