
sportMoray is the local sports council for Moray and is a voluntary body that is made up of individuals from local sports clubs and groups.  For further information on sportMoray click onto the Sport in Moray website link and click onto the sportMoray tab when on the home page -

sportMoray Pinto Tribute Fund

The sportMoray Pinto Tribute was set up following the death in February 2008 at the age of 56 of Alistair Sim (Pinto) who was a motivated and enthusiastic member of the Moray Roadrunners Club. Sarah McGregor, Pinto's running partner, decided to organise a trio of 3K races in Elgin in the summer of 2008 in memory of Pinto and to raise money for a worthwhile cause. Due to the success of this event in Cooper Park, Elgin, the event is now an annual occurrence in the Moray Sporting Calendar.

Over the years, the money raised from this event has been used to go towards preventing young people from going down the wrong path in life (i.e. through alcohol, drugs, anti-social behaviour, etc.) by channelling them towards participation in sport. Other benefactors have been young people that struggle to manage their sport financially due to low income or other significant barriers at home.

For further details with regards to sportMoray please contact the Active Schools and Sports Development Service on 01343 563 657.

Contact Us

Sports Development
Council Offices, High Street,
Elgin, Moray,
IV30 1BX

01343 563657

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