FOI Request - Surveying and Geospatial Activities

Request 101003721531

1. What are the biggest challenges your organisation currently faces in surveying and geospatial activity?

2. Are you confident in your full knowledge of the condition and knowledge of your impact on our local environment?

3. What are your organisation’s key strategic objectives for the next 12-24 months, and how does surveying and geospatial fit into these?

4. Please detail any planned development of sites or assets

5. Do you have a supplier for drainage mapping and surveying?

6. If so, please can you supply details of the contractual arrangements in place including date of award, details of any Framework used or link to the advertisement, contract value and duration

7. If not, please can you indicate what evaluation of the requirement for surveying and geospatial works have been undertaken?

8. Please share your planned procurement pipeline for surveying and geospatial works for the next 12 months

9. How do you engage with potential new suppliers—through open tenders, direct engagement, or supplier days?

10. Please can you confirm the individual responsible for managing your surveying and geospatial contracts or wider development contracts and provide their contact details and role title?

11. Please provide a list of frameworks that you procure related services through

12. Do you plan to repurpose any sites for renewable energy or solar farms?

13. Do you have any issues with subsidence in your properties? If so, where?

14. When developing/purchasing/selling a site, how do you verify that the boundaries are correct?

15. Do you have any public cycleway schemes coming up in the next 12-24 months?

16, How do you ensure the safety of your teams on site? Do you provide utility plans?

Response 14-03-2025

1. Currently we do not experience any challenges which impact our needs for surveying.

2. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

3. We use a Term Contract with our suppliers to meet our strategic objectives.

4. Consultants do not have any planned development in areas other than those which have already been surveyed. These are contained in the capital plan as approved by Full Council as part of the budget setting process and is available on the council web site.

5.  Yes. Moray Council periodically procures contractors to provide Building Repair and Maintenance services. Within the procurement process multiple lots are tendered and one lot is for Drainage. This lot includes water services, camera inspection, jetting amongst other services.

6. NEC4 Termed Service.

As stated above, Moray Council has a Building Repair and Maintenance Framework which was last tendered and warded on 1 April 2023. The framework is for a period of 4 years, expires 31 March 2027. The framework runs to 25 lots and is for multiple services not just drainage mapping and surveying.

7. Not applicable

8. None, as our framework supplier will be used.

9. All of these methods are used.

10. There is not one individual.

11. Moray Council Small Civil Engineering Works Framework. Scotland Excel Engineering and Consultancy Framework.

12. No specific plans at present.

13. Alves Primary School

14. Checking a site’s title and plan.

15. Please see appendix from report that was submitted to ED&I Committee on 12.11.24 that outlines priorities and construction for 2025-2026   Report to ED&I Committee 12.11.24 - Active Travel Strategy and Action Plan Update 


16, When excavation is involved in Roads Maintenance works, we provide utility plans and a permit to dig which forms part of our safe dig procedure.

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