FOI Request - Parental Leave Policies

Request 101003719091

1. A copy of all of your parental leave policies for Local Government Employees, Chief Executive and Craft Workers.
Some examples of the policies I am looking for are:
Parental Leave
Maternity Leave
Paternity Leave
Adoption Leave
Bereavement Leave

My query is not limited to just those listed above and I would like to receive all such policies that relate to parental leave.

2. The council will be aware that in April 2025, The Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act, which was passed in 2023 will come into effect.
- Will you have a policy in place to support employees who will need this policy?
- The Act comes into effect on 6th April, will your council support parents who need access to paid time off before it officially comes into effect?

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