FOI Request - Multi Loads Fly Tipping

Request 101003716237

Please could you supply me with the details of Significant / Multi Loads fly-tipping incidents recorded by the authority over the most recent 12 months on record, as well as the previous 12 months on record (separately).

In particular:

1.  The specific location of the incidents

2.  How much waste was dumped (rough estimate is acceptable)

3.  Whether it was cleared up in full

4.  How much it cost to clear it up

5.  Was there any enforcement as a result, and if so, what?

6.  If perpetrators were fined, then please provide the amount they were fined. If they were jailed, then please provide the sentence length. If the authority doesn't have access to this information, then please proceed with the other parts of the request and ignore this question.

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