FOI Request - Misleadingly Signed Documents

Request 101003714088

1.  How many 'Template' letters does the Council have in total.

2.  How many Council Officials, in total, might appear as a 'Signatory' on a 'Template' letter.

3.  How many Officials, in total, might be the actual 'Sender' of a template letter.

4.  Please provide a copy of or a link to each unsigned 'Template' letter.

5.  For each 'Template' please identify, by job title and department, each individual who might appear as a 'Signatory' on that particular template.

6.  For each above 'Signatory' please identify, by job title and department, each individual who might actually be the 'Sender' of that 'Template' for that 'Signatory'.

7.  By what process does the 'Sender' know to send a letter on behalf of a 'Signatory', particularly if they are in different departments.

8.  By what process does a 'Signatory' know that a 'Sender' has sent a letter on their behalf, particularly if they are in different department.

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