FOI Request - Decriminalised Parking Enforcement
Request 101003713711
1. Does your local authourity have Decriminalised Parking Enforcement [DPE] powers, if so when were they implemented?
2. Does your local authourity intend to apply for DPE powers any time soon?
3. Does your local authourity enforce parking through PCN in council off street car parks?
4. Does your local authourity enforce the Transport [Scotland] Act 2019 pavement, dropped kerb and double parking through PCN?
5. Does your local authourity issue PCNs using council staff or is it outsourced, if outsourced which company do they use?
6. Does your local authourity process PCNs issued, if outsourced which company do they use?
7. If the local authourity processes their own PCNs which company software, do they use.