FOI Request - Care Package for Person with Learning Disabilities
Request 101003712276
1. Does your local authority provide contracted private taxi companies to facilitate this travel?
1a If not, what is your local authority protocol on the above example?
2. How many adults in your local authority area with learning disabilities attend a day service?
3. From the number of adults attending day services, how many are in local authority day services and how many are in third sector day services?
4. If you do use private taxi contractors, how many service users are transported using this method of transport?
5. Under option 2, If local authority don’t commission private contracted taxi’s and the service user has the option to purchase their own travel I.e mobility car, who would the local authority expect to drive the adult with additional needs to and from their day service under?
Q5a If there’s an expectation on the main carer /legal guardian who is an unpaid carer, not in receipt of carers allowances and they cannot facilitate this due to work commitments, or perhaps don’t drive. What would the option be? Please use the example above.
6. Does your local authority provide privately contracted taxi’s for ASN children to get to education?
6a. If yes, and that child qualifies for a mobility car, why would a privately contracted taxi be required?