FOI Request - Off Framework Agency Usage

Request 101003710680

1.  Please could you provide a breakdown of off-framework agency usage for Complex care within service users homes, between January 1st 2024 and January 31st 2025.

2.  Please could you provide a breakdown of off- framework agency usage for care at home services, please could this be broken down to the amount of shifts, the grade of worker (i.e nurse or carer) booked by each agency including spend from between January 1st 2024 and January 31st 2025.

3.  Please could you provide a breakdown of off-framework agency usage for domiciliary care, please could this be broken down to the amount of shifts booked by each agency including spend from January 1st 2024 and January 31st 2025.

4.  Please could you provide a breakdown of on-framework agency usage for Complex care within service users homes, between January 1st 2024 and January 31st 2025.

5.  Please could you provide a breakdown of on- framework agency usage for care at home services, please could this be broken down to the amount of shifts, the grade of worker (i.e nurse or carer) booked by each agency including spend from between January 1st 2024 and January 31st 2025.

6.  Please could you provide a breakdown of on-framework agency usage for domiciliary care, please could this be broken down to the amount of shifts booked by each agency including spend from January 1st 2024 and January 31st 2025.

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