FOI Request - Asylum Seekers in Hotels

Request 101003705758

1. The names of any hotel(s) in your local authority area which are or have been used to house asylum seekers and the dates of occupation since 2021

2. The total number of asylum seekers housed each year in these hotel(s) up to the latest statistic for the current number

3. The total cost of housing asylum seekers in these hotel(s) since 2021 and the current weekly or monthly cost

4. Any emails, letters, reports, minutes or notes of telephone calls or meetings pertaining to asylum seekers in your area since 2021

Response 14-02-2025

1. Since 2021 Eight Acres Hotel

2. Mears Group were awarded the contract by the Home Office to provide accommodation and support for asylum seekers in the UK. Moray Council do not hold these statistics.

3.  As above

4.  As above

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