FOI Request - Probationer Teacher Employment
Request 101003703063
1. The number of probationers requested by your council each year since 2017, broken down into primary and secondary categories.
2. The number of probationers who successfully completed their probation year each year since 2017, broken down into primary and secondary categories.
3. The number of probationers who secured a permanent role with your council after completing their probation year, for each year since 2017, broken down into primary and secondary categories.
4. The number of probationers who secured a fixed-term position with your council after completing their probation year, for each year since 2017, broken down into primary and secondary categories.
5. The number of probationers who were added to your supply list after completing their probation year, if they were unable to secure a fixed-term or permanent position, for each year since 2017, broken down into primary and secondary categories.
Response 17-02-2025
The information requested can be found here.
Please note exemptions Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information not held, and Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, personal information, been applied within the document.