FOI Request - Private Landlord Registration Team
Request 101003701470
1. The location of the team in your corporate structure e.g., does it sit within housing, environmental health, etc.
2. The number of employees in the landlord registration team including job titles.
3. The latest data on the number of lead landlords, total landlords, and properties registered.
4. The annual fee revenue derived from the landlord registration scheme since the schemes launch.
5. The annual cost of the provision of the landlord registration team/service.
6. The number of landlord forums/meeting delivered in 2024 (either in-house or via the internet).
7. The number of communications issued to landlords in 2024 in the form of newsletters, enewsletters, email updates etc.
8. Details of any innovative ways the team communicate with landlords.
9. The number of landlords who have failed the fit and proper persons test since the scheme was launched.
10 The number of landlords removed from the register due to non-compliance/non-performance since the scheme was launched.
11. A brief summary of any enforcement actions undertaken with regards private landlords since the scheme was launched.
12. The percentage of the teams workload that is desk based and the percentage that is field based.
13. A brief overview of the role of your landlord registration team.
14. Details on how you check compliance e.g., EICR’s, Gas Safety Certs etc.
Response 14-02-2025
1. Environmental Health Section
2. 1 - Landlord Registration Officer
3. properties_registered 4592
total_landlords 3170
number_of_lead_landlords 2461
number_of_joint_owners 1238
4.Financial Year Income
February & March 2020 £15296
2020/21 £70673
2021/22 £70633.5
2022/23 £64703
2023/24 £62421.5
2024/25 (April – October) £49669
5. Salary Costs
2019/2020 - £21,199
2020/2021 - £32,606
2021/2022 - £34,977
2022/2023 - £37,807
2023/2024 - £39,733
2024/to Jan 2025 - £33,131
6. We where unable to run any forums in this time
7. There where 3 newsletters sent to landlords
8. None
9. There has been 1 case considered by the committee as having failed the fit and proper person test
10.None for non compliance.
11. One case the landlord has committed an offence while registered and Police Scotland have objected to the continued registration – landlord removed from register
A number of tenants have raises ceases with the FTT on MC advice
12. Approximately 70% desk based 30% field based
13. To process applications for landlord registration, provide advice and guidance to landlords and customers, prepare and enforce any required actions for non compliance.
14. Copies of CP12, EICR, EPC requested at every new and renewal application. LLs also asked to confirm that smoke, heat and CO detection meets the current minimum standard.