FOI Request - Early Learning and Childcare CMPs
Request 101003698573
1. All relevant details of the below change management plans:
ELC CMP - NM's wks & 36.25-35hrs
ELC CMP - YR to TT savings 24/25
ELC CMP YR to TT saving 24/25
2. A detailed breakdown on how the £62,000, £81,000 and £2000 proposed savings for these change management plans have been derived.
3. A copy of the equality impact assessment carried out for these change management plans, with consideration that the majority of ELC staff are female.
4. What, if any, consideration has been given to halving the total number of places at nursery's with all the extra houses being built in Elgin and Forres?
5. What plans have been put in place for additional nursery places in the event that VIP childcare, Elgin, is unable to find new premises following the closure of Elgin Community Centre?
6. What measures have been put in place to minimize disruption to children, parents, and staff due to the reduction in places?
7. What dates were relevant stakeholders planning to be told about the ELC change management plan?
8. What alternatives or mitigation strategies were considered before deciding to reduce the number of places at each nursery?
9. If any consideration to both the grading and number of hours of the posts of Head of Education or Early Years’ Service Manager has been given if there is an overall service reduction in early learning and childcare.
Response 11-02-2025
The information requested is exempt under Section 27 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2003 – information intended for future publication, as a report on the consultation will be published in due course.
Information that has been requested that is of a supporting nature to the consultation and subsequent report(s), is exempt under Section 30 of the same Act - prejudice to conduct affairs. The Public Interest test has been considered, and early or pre-emptive release of such information would have a negative impact on the reliability and usability of the consultation. Furthermore, the Council needs to be able to ensure there is free and frank discussion when producing consultations and reports and that information is released to the public according to established procedures.