FOI Request - St Giles Centre and Domestic Rates
Request 101003698554
1. All correspondence between Moray Council and the St Giles Centre about the shopping centre's unpaid domestic rates bill.
2. Alternatively, any correspondence between Moray Council and the St Giles Centre about the shopping centre's unpaid domestic rates bill that isn't commercially sensitive.
3. All internal Moray Council correspondence about the unpaid St Giles Centre business rates bill.
4. Alternatively, any internal Moray Council correspondence about the unpaid St Giles Centre business rates bill that isn't commercially sensitive.
5. The current total of the St Giles Centre unpaid business rates bill.
6. The cost of taking legal action to recover the St Giles Centre unpaid business rates bill.
Response 05-02-2025
1.-6. The information requested is exempt under Section 33(1)(b)- commercially sensitive - and Section 30 - Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs.
The Council has considered the Public Interest in releasing this information; however, as the current situation regarding the shopping centre is ongoing, the costs and communications related to it are currently sensitive.