FOI Request - Negotiations Falconer Museum

Request 101003695025 

1. Please advise whether the negotiations concerning the Falconer Museum have been completed; and if not when will they be completed.

2. What was the outcome of the negotiations?
3. Who were the parties involved?
4. a) What is the timescale and procedure for implementing the new plan;
b) who will be involved in the implementation?
5. a) Will the new plan be published for public comment - and
b) if so, when?
6. How does this secret negotiation and new plan relate to the deliverations of the Forres Heritage and Conservation Group?   

Response 28-01-2025

1.& 2.  There have been no council negotiations concerning the Falconer Museum to date.

3. Not applicable

4. a) Re-opening and future operation of the Falconer Museum will rely on a new operating model being established. The Moray Council will consider the findings of a report which explored options for a future operating model in consultation with key stakeholders in the coming months.

b) The new operating model, once established, with support from council if agreed. 

5. a) Yes, if agreed by the Council

b) in the coming months

6. Not applicable

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