FOI Request - Hydrological Assessment South of Forres

Request 101003693446

We are conducting a hydrological assessment at a search area centred at NJ 04313 47256, South of Forres. The requested search area extends 5km outwith the previously indicated location and is shown on the figure attached with shapefiles provided for reference.

As part of our assessment, we are interested in any information Moray Council holds regarding the following:

1. Flood Risk Information
•  Details of any existing and proposed flood defence measures in the area and information regarding the impact of these defences on flood water levels (if applicable);
•  Any information held on historic flood events in this area, including date, extent of flooding and flood water levels (if available);
•  Any information on the risk of groundwater flooding and surface water drainage flooding in this area together with records of any historic incidents.

2. Private Water Supplies (PWS)
Could you please provide details of any PWS within or near to the search area, including the source (i.e. groundwater, spring, watercourse) and location of the abstraction (as a grid reference ideally) and the number of properties it supplies, if known.

3. Historic Landfills
Information regarding any historic landfills in the search area. We would be grateful if you could supply us with any information regarding the areas and times of disposal, the nature of disposal and wastes involved.

4. Nearby Proposed Significant Developments Any summary information (e.g. planning application number, development activity) of proposed or recently approved significant developments (i.e. quarries, mines, roads, water treatment works, windfarms, hydropower schemes, etc.) registered within the search area.

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