FOI Request - Foster Carer Approval and Payments

Request 101003693097

Between the date 01.08.2023 - 17.08.2024, please confirm the following:

1. The number of total foster carers approved to foster with the Moray Council.

For each of these approvals please confirm:
a) the date of approval most recent,
b) the number of children approved for,
c) the age and gender of approval (if applicable)
d) the level the foster carer(s) were approved at
e) if the approval was for respite, short term, long term or permanent placements (or any other variation of  approval).
f)  Please confirm the number of foster carers who were not active for any period in the above timeframe.

2. Please confirm the number of foster carers between the above dates who were not paid for their full approval rate.

Please also confirm the following:
a)  The dates each were not paid at full rate
b)  The level of the foster carer when they were not paid at their full rate
c)  The approval of the foster carer when they were not paid at their full rate

Response 04-02-2025

Please find the information requested here. 

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