FOI Request - Meetings of Council Accessibility

Request 101003692891

1.  How many full Council meetings were held in each of the three calendar years of 2022, 2023 and 2024 ?

2.  How did the Council ensure that members of the public were aware they could attend and access meetings ?

3.  When was this method of inviting the public/raising awareness of the public that they could attend meetings, last reviewed by the Council

4.  Each year, how many members of the public asked to attend in-person at the meetings of the Council ?

5.  Each year, how many members of the public asked to attend, virtually, meetings of the Council ?

6.  Each year, how many members of the public who asked to attend in-person also asked for arrangements to be made so that the meeting experience for them was barrier-free and fully accessible [such as but not limited to - large print papers, BSL signer, electronic notetaker, loop systems etc.] ?  Please provide a list of each different form of particular needs identified and those which were met/unmet.

7.  Did the Council allocate a budget each year to meet the costs of making full Council meetings accessible to the public ?  If so how much for was budgeted for in each of the three years ?

8.  What was the actual expenditure by the Council in each year for meeting the particular needs of members of the public in making the meetings they attended fully accessible ?

9.  What accessibility arrangements are routinely in place for Council meetings [such as but not limited to loop systems]?

10.  When did the Council last conduct an Equality & Diversity Impact Assessment of the accessibility of Board/Council meetings to the general public [including arrangements on how the public are invited to attend] ?

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