FOI Request - Forecasted Pupil Numbers 2025-26
Request 101003692433
Please can you show the forecasted number of pupil vacancies in secondary schools in the local authority by year group (S1-S6) for academic year 2025/26. Please show this as one total figure rather than broken down by each school.
Response 31-01-2025
The forecasted secondary school roll for 2025-26 has not been confirmed yet so these are draft figures.
S1 - 1016
S2 - 1018
S3 - 1064
S4 - 1041
S5 - 801
S6 - 540
Total - 5480
The total capacity for Moray secondary schools is 6658 giving a 17.7% vacancy rate overall. We are unable to calculate vacancy rates by year group. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.