FOI Request - Fostering Policies

Request 101003687784

1.  Please provide the Moray Council policy, advice or guidance for staff on establishing who is classed as a main carer.  If no policy, advice or guidance exists, please provide a statement of the normal practice for how this is established.

2.  Please provide the Moray Council policy, advice or guidance for staff / foster carers on respite provision.  If no policy, advice or guidance exists, please provide a statement confirming what foster carers are advised what they can and can not do whilst a child in their care in on respite.

3.  Please provide the Moray Council policy, advice or guidance for staff on supervision requirements for foster carers.

a.  Please confirm in relation to supervision the training that staff undertake as a supervising social worker in relation to supervision.

b.  Please confirm the Moray Council policy, advice or guidance for monitoring the quality of staff record keeping regarding the supervision requirements for foster carers.

4.  Please provide the Moray Council policy, advice or guidance for staff on training requirements for foster carers.    

a.  Please confirm in relation to training requirements for foster carers, the number of foster carers in Moray who have completed all the training relevant to their current fostering level.

b.  Please confirm the total number of foster carers in Moray

c.  For those that haven't met the current level of training, please provide details on what additional support the service provide these carers.

Response 14-01-2025

1. There is no policy around main carer.  It is generally a discussion throughout the assessment process and an agreement of who is the main carer and will be the main point of contact for the fostering household, although there are households where it is shared.  This can also change at any time if the foster carers contact us to tell us if situations change, employment changes etc.

2. There is no policy on respite and what carers can and cannot do.  There would be ongoing discussions around the use of respite and if this was seen to be having an impact on the young people in the fostering household, this would be discussed and explained to the carers.

3. Within the foster carer handbook it is set out that supervision should take place monthly with the main carer.  It would be expected that both members of the fostering household should be present once every three months.  If monthly supervision cannot be undertaken a reason for this should be recorded.

a) Supervising social workers all have a degree in social work.  This has given them the skills required to undertake the role of a supervising social worker.  Social workers are given advice and guidance around supervising foster carers during the induction process and throughout their own supervision.  All staff currently in the fostering team have undertaken training from the Fostering Network called ‘The Role of the Supervising Social Worker’ which also gave training around the supervision of foster carers.

b) There is no policy in relation to this.  This is monitored during staff supervision as well as file audits.  

4. As it stands currently, we are working with four levels of foster carers and evidence of skill is recorded through the Portfolio.  We currently have core training that must be undertaken within the first year of fostering, following this there is an expectation that training continues.  The criteria for the four levels are as follows:

Level 1 Criteria – this is a pre-approval level for foster carers in order to capture your learning during the assessment stage.
• Will apply to all foster applicant and new partners into the fostering household (excluding specific recruitment)
• You must participate in mandatory pre-approval training as identified with your assessing social worker
• Learning will be linked to pre-approval of Standard for Foster Care 2017 and Skills to Foster
• To participate in regular planned home or activity tasks as directed by your assessing social worker
• With support, you will evidence your learning against the key areas your being assessed against
• To show an understanding of the importance of birth family and other links and the importance of helping children to understand and make sense of their life story in relation to developing their identity
• To show that you are aware of the impact of decisions which may challenge your views and be able, with support, to accept and promote the care plan for the child
• Evidence of knowledge acquired and presented to first panel

Level 2 Criteria – Carers should have:
• You have completed all Level 1 development tasks and have evidenced your learning
• You have completed post approval training and learning linked to post-approval stage of Standard for Foster Care
• Skills development continues by attending training and by reflective practice with Placement Services Social Worker
• Regularly have children /young people in placement
• Learn and develop fostering skills
• Carrying out actions and contribute to Child’s Care Plan.
• To be able to manage positively the pressure and demands of fostering on a personal and professional level.  You can advocate constructively for a child without professional support.
• At this level you may provide long term or permanent care for children whose needs present as being less complex at the time of placement.

Level 3 Criteria – Carers should have:
• Minimum of 2 years foster care experience
• Completed two years post registration training
• You have completed all Level 2 development tasks and have evidenced  learning
• Carers are willing to care for children with more complex needs/behaviours including older children/ sibling groups
• Carers demonstrate resilience in dealing with potentially challenging situations
• Carers actively contribute to the development of less experienced carers
• High level of flexibility to meet the needs of children placed
• Show active engagement in learning and development and can demonstrate this in their practice
• Demonstrate understanding of complex behaviours in children and young people
• Be able to evidence their practice as outlined in the Standard for Foster Care
• Willing to attend meetings of Level 3 and 4 carers as required

Level 4 Criteria – Carers should have:
• Minimum of 2 years foster care experience
• Progressed through levels 1 – 3
• Completed two years post registration training
• Carers have completed all Level 3 development tasks and have evidenced their learning
• Carers will care for the children and young people who display the most complex behaviours/needs including older children
• There must be justifiable reason if carers refuse to care for a child when a match is considered appropriate
• Carers must be committed to maintaining placements through the most challenging periods
• One carer should not have work outside the home, to meet the needs of the placement and to have the availability to attend meetings
• Carers will evidence commitment to sharing and developing their skills with other carers including mentoring/buddying roles
• Must be available to attend meeting of Level 4 carers on a monthly basis

a) The majority of carers have completed all the training relevant to their current fostering level although there are some households who have not adhered to the practice of attending levels meetings which is a requirement of their level.

b) 36 Fostering Households

c) Carers are supported to attend training where possible. Support such as providing childcare, trying to arrange training at different times of the day for those who work, online training opportunities and training given one-to-one if possible.  

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