FOI Request - Parenting Programs in non English Languages
Request 101003687562
1. In the last year for which records are available, did the local authority provide any evidence-based parenting groups in non-English languages? This includes groups delivered face-to-face or via virtual platforms but does not include online websites or online courses parents complete independently.
Please note, if no groups were provided in non-English languages please state, ‘none provided’.
If such support was delivered,
a) In which languages were the groups provided?
b) What were the names of these evidence-based parenting programs?
c) How many parents/carers attended these groups?
d) Aside from the change in language, were any differences implemented to parenting groups delivered in non-English languages in comparison to the groups delivered in English? Ie. Did the content have to be adapted, were new resources created, was it Virtual instead of in person?
2. In the last financial year for which records are available, did the local authority provide any parents or carers with evidence-based parenting support using an interpreter? The use of ‘interpreter’ here refers to a formally recognised oral or sign language translator employed for this purpose, not a community or family member doing so unpaid.
If an interpreter was used,
a) Which parenting groups were they supporting?
b) Which languages were the interpreters used for?
c) How many people were in each group supported by an interpreter?
d) What was the total cost of interpreters for this purpose?
3. Has your Local Authority implemented any other changes to parenting programs to provide for parents or carers who don’t speak English as a first language? If so, what was done?
4. For the last available year on records, in cases where the parent/carer only spoke a non-English language and there were difficulties obtaining an interpreter or alternative language provision, were there any instances of parenting support being delayed or provision not being possible?
If so,
a) Which languages does this apply to?
b) How many parents/carers experienced a delay accessing support due to language barriers?
c) How many parents/carers who didn’t speak English were unable to access support in their own language, even if support was still offered in English?
Response 14-01-2025
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.