FOI Request - Planning Permission for Garden Rooms

Request 101003687525

I would like to request the following information:

1. The total number of planning permission applications received for garden rooms during the specified period.

2. Of these applications:
- The number that was approved.
- The number that was declined.

3. A breakdown of these applications by category (why they’re submitting the planning permission application), including but not limited to:
- Height or width
- Use for regular sleeping accommodation
- Use for commercial purposes
- Listed building
- More than a storey high
- Covers more than 50% of the land surrounding the house
- It’s at the front or side of the house

4. For the applications that were refused, please provide a breakdown of the reasons for the refusals, including:
- Non-compliance with local planning policies.
- Issues related to size, scale, or height.
- Concerns about the visual impact on the neighbourhood.
- Objections raised by neighbours or other parties.
- Sleeping accommodation
- Commercial purposes
- Other

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