FOI Request - High-Earning Employees Count and Compensation

Request 101003685740

Please provide the following information regarding your public body:
1. By financial year*, from 2014-15 to present, number of employees whose salary was, at current prices**:
a. £100k-£125k
b. £125k-£150k
c. £150k-£175k
d. £175k-£200k
e. £200k-£225k
f. £225k-£250k
g. £250k+

2. By financial year, from 2014-15 to present, number of employees whose total compensation*** was, at current prices, in each of the bands listed from 1(a) to 1(g).

3. By financial year, from 2014-15 to present, number of employees whose salary was, at constant 2024-25 prices****, in each of the bands listed from 1(a) to 1(g).

4. By financial year, from 2014-15 to present, number of employees whose total compensation was, at constant 2024-25 prices, in each of the bands listed from 1(a) to 1(g).

5. By financial year, from 2014-15 to present, total value of bonuses handed out to employees at current prices.

6. By financial year, from 2014-15 to present, the value of the ten largest bonuses handed out to individual employees. Please also list job title with this if possible.

*If you do not have information that generally covers the whole financial year, information as of the start of the financial year (1 April) as a snapshot will work.
**’Current prices’ meaning value as of time of measurement of the relevant metric, not adjusted for inflation.
***’Total Compensation’ means to refer to the value of all tangible and intangible benefits the employee receives from you in exchange for work, including but not limited to base salary, bonuses, benefits (health insurance, pension contributions, paid time off and so forth), perks etc.
****The measure of inflation adjustment I mean to invoke by saying ‘constant 2024-25 prices’ is the official GDP deflator, as per the UK Government publication of this. The following table demonstrates the adjustment of the pay bands from 1(a) to 1(g) to constant 2024-25 prices.

2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Deflator Index 76.78 77.33 79.08 80.33 82.02 83.96 88.47 87.95 94.22 100.00 102.37
Salary Band 1 £75.0k £75.5k £77.2k £78.5k £80.1k £82.0k £86.4k £85.9k £92.0k £97.7k £100.0k
Salary Band 2 £93.8k £94.4k £96.6k £98.1k £100.1k £102.5k £108.0k £107.4k £115.0k £122.1k £125.0k
Salary Band 3 £112.5k £113.3k £115.9k £117.7k £120.2k £123.0k £129.6k £128.9k £138.0k £146.5k £150.0k
Salary Band 4 £131.3k £132.2k £135.2k £137.3k £140.2k £143.5k £151.2k £150.3k £161.1k £170.9k £175.0k
Salary Band 5 £150.0k £151.1k £154.5k £156.9k £160.2k £164.0k £172.8k £171.8k £184.1k £195.4k £200.0k
Salary Band 6 £168.8k £170.0k £173.8k £176.5k £180.3k £184.5k £194.4k £193.3k £207.1k £219.8k £225.0k
Salary Band 7 £187.5k £188.9k £193.1k £196.2k £200.3k £205.0k £216.0k £214.8k £230.1k £244.2k £250.0k

Clarification sought 10-01-2025

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