FOI Request - LED Street Lighting Scheme
Request 101003682994
1. When did the council’s LED street lighting scheme start?
2. Has the council completed the LED street lighting scheme? If yes, please specify month and year.
3. What is the estimated/forecasted energy savings now the scheme is complete? Please give monetary figure or percentage.
4. If the council has not completed its LED street lighting scheme, when does the council expect this to be completed? Please specify month and year.
5. How many streetlights have been replaced with LED streetlights and how many still need replacing?
6. How much has the council spent to date on installing LED street lighting scheme to date?
Response 03-01-2025
1. The first LED lanterns were installed in 2012 but the LED replacement scheme didn't start until 2015.
2. Yes, 27/07/23
3. The information requested is published on our website and therefore exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, information otherwise accessible. For ease of reference please find a link to the web page here:
4. Already completed 2023
5. 17834
6. £1,828,120.10