FOI Request - Bridges along the Keith and Dufftown Railway
Request 101003682818
I am seeking any correspondence or information held by Moray Council concerning the Keith and Dufftown Railway, specifically communications to or from the following individuals within the specifically timeframes. Note that the information may have been held by the former Grampian Regional Council which subsequently became Moray Council:
M. Taverner (from July 1994)
M. Cavanagh (from March 1994)
M. Cross (from September 1993)
R. Dickson (from September 1993)
Mr Morgan (from 1993)
Mr Alan Silver (from 1993)
Response 03-01-2025
Not held. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.
In order to be helpful we advise that you could contact the archives on to see if they would be able to assist.
Please note, the archives are exempt from FOIs.