FOI Request - Discretionary Housing Payment

Request 101003679796

Request for information:

1. The number of people aged 66 and over who received Discretionary Housing Payment, broken down by:
a) Financial year (2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24)
b) Gender
c) Current tenure status (private or social renters)

2. The number of people aged 66 and over who are currently on a waiting list for social housing, broken down by:
a) Gender
b) The length of time on the waiting list (under 12 months, over 12 months)

Response 16-01-2025

1. 2021/2022 - no DHP awards made to any person aged 66 or over

2022/2023 - the number of DHP awards made is between 1 and 5. Low numbers may lead to the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information. All were female applicants and all were from Housing Association properties.

2023/2024 - the number of DHP awards made is between 1 and 5. Low numbers may lead to the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information. There was a mixture of male and female applicants and a mixture of council tenancies and Housing Association properties.



  over 12 months under 12 months Grand Total
Female 241 96 337
Male 185 63 248
blank 1   1
Total 427 159 586

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