FOI Request - Bus Stops Floating Bus Stops and Boarders

Request 101003674180

1. Total number of all current bus stops in local authority area

1.1. In total, how many bus stops are there in your local authority area?

2. Floating Island Bus Stops (Floating Bus Stops or Bus Stop Bypasses)

2.1. How many Floating Island Bus Stops (Floating Bus Stop or Bus Stop Bypasses) are in operation within your local authority area?

2.2. How many Floating Island Bus Stops (Floating Bus Stops or Bus Stop Bypasses) are either proposed or under construction within your local authority area?  

2.3. How were the current Floating Island Bus Stops (Floating Bus Stops or Bus Stop Bypasses) funded within your local authority area?

2.4. How will the proposed Floating Island Bus Stops (Floating Bus Stops or Bus Stop Bypasses) be funded within your local authority area?

3. Bus Stop Boarders

3.1. How many Bus Stop Boarders are in operation within your local authority area?

3.2. How many Bus Stop Boarders are either proposed or under construction within your local authority area?  

3.3. How were the current Bus Stop Boarders funded within your local authority area?

3.4. How will the proposed Bus Stop Boarders be funded within your local authority area?

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