FOI Request - Consultancy Spending

Request 101003673081

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the council’s spending on consultancies. We seek this information to promote transparency and ensure public funds are spent effectively.

Please provide the following information, broken down by the financial years 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24:

1.  Total consultancy spending
o  The total amount spent by the council on consultancy services for each financial year.

2.  Breakdown by firm
o  A breakdown by firm of consultancy payments made by the council in each financial year. If providing details for each firm exceeds the cost limit, please provide whatever information can be provided within the limit, such as by focusing on firms with total payments exceeding £10,000.

3.  Council policy on consultancy payments
o  A copy or summary of the council’s policy, if one exists, regarding limits or guidelines on payments to external consultants, including rate caps or other criteria used to determine acceptable consultancy costs.

4.  Highest individual consultancy payments
o  The highest individual payments made to consultants.

Please provide:
?  The largest total payment(s) made to an individual consultant or consultancy firm in each financial year.

?  The highest hourly or daily rate paid to an individual consultant or firm during each financial year. If feasible, please specify the context (such as the nature of the work or project) for these highest rates.

Definition: By “consultancy spending,” we refer to payments made to organizations or individuals brought in to provide expert advice or support in implementing specific projects or initiatives

Response 12-12-2024

1. 2021/22 - £128,000  2022/23 - £160,000  2023/34 - £259,000

2. We consider the names of firms to be confidential. Disclosure of the requested information could substantially prejudice commercial interests and so it is exempt under section 33(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, commercial interests.  2021/22 - 11 firms, individual amounts(£000s): 1, 1, 3,3,  4, 3 x 10, 11, 37,38 2022/23 - 7 firms, individual amounts (£000s): 3, 4, 11, 16, 37, 40, 49.  2023/24 - 16 firms, individual amounts (£000s) - 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6,12, 14, 15, 15, 16, 20,  41, 43, 55

3. Cost less than £25,000 requires additional approval from CFO.  Cost over £25,000 requires service committee approval. Consultancy defined as provision of expert advice.

4. - see Q2

Largest total payment - see Q2
Highest rate - not available.  Not all charged on the same basis so not comparable

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