FOI Request - Council Supplier Expenditure

Request 101003668154

FOI request for all payments to suppliers who provided a service in Health and Social Care from Jul 2023 to Dec 2023 and from Jan 2024 to Sep 2024. As a minimum, please make sure to include the date, value and recipient of each transaction. Please also provide details on the procurement category of each transaction if you have it & any additional descriptors.

This would include all suppliers falling under the categories :-

1. Children's services
a)  Fostering & adoption (including payments made to independent fostering agencies and for in-house fostering), 

b) residential care,

c) SEN (special education services)

2. Adult & elderly services

a) Residential/nursing care,

b) domiciliary & supported living,

c) care at home providers

3. Providers who carry out homeless services

Clarification sought 02-12-2024 

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