FOI Request - Protest Injunctions

Request 101003666287

Please accept this request under the Freedom of Information Act. I'm seeking:

1. A list of all civil injunctions restricting protest applied and granted to your public body since 2018. For each injunction listed, please provide:
- A copy of the court judgment
- A copy of any maps detailing the geographic where the injunction applies

If all injunctions are already in the public domain, please provide hyperlinks to where I can locate them.

2. Please specify the total amount of legal costs incurred by your public body to date in regard to each injunction listed in response to Q1, including any costs passed onto the protesters named in the injunction. Please break this figure down by the name of each legal firm/lawyer to which the cost are owed

3. For each injunction listed in response to Q1, please specify the total amount contributed towards legal costs by other organisations or individuals. Please break the total figure down by the name of the organisation or individual and the amount of their contribution.

4. For each injunction listed in response to Q1, please specify the total amount of legal costs that have been passed on to protesters named in the judgment. Please break this figure down by the number of protesters ordered to pay costs.

5. For each injunction listed in response to Q1, please specify the total amount of money in legal costs that has been recouped from protesters named in the judgment. Please break this figure down by the total number of protesters from which your organisation has recouped its costs.

6. For each injunction listed in response to Q1, please specify how many individuals have been arrested for a suspected breach of the injunction.

7. For each injunction listed in response to Q1, please specify how many individuals have been found to have breached the injunction and the penalty that was imposed on each individual. Please include both fines issued as well as sentences/suspended sentences handed down.

Response 25-11-2024

1.-7. Not held. There is no such remedy as injunction in Scotland. Information that is not held falls under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Information not held.

In order to be helpful please be advised that in terms of the Scottish equivalent remedy, which is interdict - the answer is also zero.  

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