FOI Request - Sexual Assaults at School
Request 101003665792
1. The number of recorded sexual assaults and incidents of sexual nature at your primary, secondary and assisted needs schools in 2019/20, 2022/23 and 2023/24 please.
2. The numbers to be broken down to incidents recorded internally and incidents reported to the police and what nature they were. If went to police, is it known what the outcome was.
3. I'd also like to know – where possible – if incidents were pupil on staff, staff on pupil or pupil on pupil please broken down by primary, secondary, assisted needs schools.
I am not asking for any individual school to be identified or anyone involved identified.
Response 28-11-2024
1. 2019/20 – <5*; 2022/23 – 0; 2023/24 - <5*
2. No incidents were reported to the Police
3. <5* x pupil on staff (primary), <5* x pupil on pupil (primary), <5* x pupil on pupil (secondary)
*numbers of 5 or less have been redacted (*) as low numbers may lead to the identification of individuals. This information is therefore exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Personal Information.