FOI Request - Success of Pothole Claims

Request 101003662762

1.  In the past three years, how many claims the council received from motorists in relation to potholes damaging their vehicles.

2.  Could you list the number of successful claims, and the number of unsuccessful claims.

3.  Could this be broken down by year.

Response 20-11-2024

Please Note: Payments are reimbursements for damage/loss through insurance – not compensation!
All claims and legal costs are covered in our insurance premium!

  2022/23 2023/24 2024/25
Successful claims <5* 6 <5*
unsuccessful 55 57 49
ongoing 9 7 8

*The low numbers associated with this response may result in the identification of individuals. Therefore numbers between 1 and 5 have been redacted.
This response is exempt under Section 38(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - personal information.

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